
Friday, October 30, 2015

Unit Three Afterthoughts

Blog Post #4
(October 30, 2015)

Looking back on this unit, I realize this was probably the toughest one, at least for me.
I'm not exactly the brightest when it comes to math, ultimately making the concepts harder to understand. The day before the test, I could barely get any sleep because I wanted  had to do good on it. I didn't do too well on my last quiz, so I had to make up for it with the test. 
Overall, I think I did fairly well on the test, at least better than I did on the quiz. While this unit came with many sleepless nights studying and panicking, I felt that I was able to overcome that and do the best to my ability.


  1. I feel your struggle although I have more of the problem of not wanting to sleep. I have found that stressing less helps out a lot especially with how I feel during and before the test.

  2. Kaylie, I would agree with you that this was one of the more stressful units for me! I did not my best on the quiz last Monday, then I was sick on Tuesday and Wednesday so I was stressing out about the test on Thursday. I studied a fair amount for the test and felt more confident about it than I did the quiz. I also agree with you, although I was stressed out a bit I learned a lot. It was nice ending the week on a more relaxed note though! The last meal buffet was very fun and there was a ton of awesome food!
