
Friday, November 13, 2015

Hydrated Compounds

Blog Post #3
(November 13, 2015)

Hydrated Compounds have water molecules as part of the chemical formula and they also help contribute to the structure of the compound.

Hydrated vs. Anhydrides

Nomenclature of Hydrates:
-CaSO4 x 2H2O (the 5 represents the moles of water)
named: calcium sulfate dihydrate
-FeCl2 x 4H2O
named: Iron (II) Chloride tetrahydrate
-Lead (II) perchlorate trihydrate
Chemical Formula: PbClO4 x 3H2O

Examples on solving for formulas of hydrates:

Other key terms to know:
Amorphous: chemicals that have no order; without a clearly defined shape or form.

Useful Links:


  1. Thank you for the summarized notes and the video! It's nice to have another example to reference

  2. I like this post a lot and it was beneficial to compare the notes you took with mine! I also like your video it is very similar to one on my blog.

  3. Thank you for posting these notes; they are really informative! I wish I had watched this video before the test today though... that test was a little rough.

  4. I've always had trouble with hydrates and anhydrides. I only wish I had happened upon this post before today! Very helpful

  5. Thank you for posting these notes! I wish I could have looked at your links and video before the test today because it didn't go very well for me, but this post was very helpful!

  6. The layout of your post is extremely organized and very helpful, thank you. Also the helpful hints and images are very helpful.

  7. The quick summary of the unit really helped preform well on the test, thanks for the video link as well.

  8. These links and the video were so informative, they helped me study even though I still probably failed the test.
