
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

First Lab=Success

Blog Post #4
(November 17,2015)

I successfully made it back into the lab, after two (somewhat) failed attempts. It was a fairly easy lab that you just had to make sure to take the basic precautions in using the same scale, don't touch hot stuff, don't decompose the compound, simple stuff as mentioned. 
I was proud of my partner(s), because we came within a 1% error, which was outstanding since we slightly decomposed our compound a bit. 
The hydrous escaping from the anhydrous.
Here, we used a hot plate.

A close up view of our compound on the sides, well some of it.

Our compound all around the edge of the glass.

Getting close to it being done.

The whole setup of the lab.

1 comment:

  1. Our numbers were far worse than yours apparently, since ours came out to more than 20 times that error. Ours probably had a bit of liquid left in the bottom, hence the number errors.
