
Monday, November 23, 2015

Chemical Reactions

Blog Post #1
(November 22, 2015)

This week, we started a new unit, chemical reactions. In chemical reactions,sensory clues a change has taken place. 
There are 4 different ways in determining a change has taken place:
Gives the four conclusions and describes exo and endo reactions as well.

Anatomy of a chemical equation: 
Left: Reactants
Right: Products
-->: Yield

Subscripts & Coefficients
Subscripts: tell the number of atoms in each element
Coefficients: tell the number of molecules

Other key terms
Delta H: Change in heat.
(H-: Exo; H+: Endo)
AQ: Aqueous (dissolved in water.)
Precipitate: A solid form of a solution.

Examples of Chemical Reactions: 
Methane reacts with gaseous oxygen to form gaseous carbon dioxide and water.
- CH4 + O2(g) --> CO2(g) + H2O
(Remember we need lowest whole number ratio, and the equations have to be balanced on both sides)
-CH4 + 2O2(g) --> CO2(g) + 2H2O

Useful Links to help practice with:

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