
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Star Loggings And More Star Loggings

Blog Post #4
(October 1st, 2015)

This current Star Log project seemed much more easier than the Frontier Chemistry Project. I felt that it was much more easier to find the information and navigate around the blog. 
I didn't have to pull numerous all-nighter's as I did last project, and I felt that I had a lot better time management skills working on this project.
While working on this project, It was pretty cool to learn about stars that I've never heard of and go more in depth about them. 


  1. I agree! The last project was definitely more stressful and tedious. But I think it was a good learning experience. I learned to manage my time better too!

  2. I feel the same way! This project was so interesting to me, and it made so much more sense in its connection to chemistry than the Frontier Project. I also really liked how you could research a star, then potentially walk outside and see it with your own eyes!
