
Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Blog Post #2
(January 19, 2016)

A dilution is the action of making something more weaker, or in this case, making a dark blue color, become almost clear as water. 

The dilution equation is easy to remember:

Example Problems:
What volume of 16M sulfuric acid must be used to prepare 1.5L of a 0.10M sulfuric acid solution?
*In this case you'd solve for the V1.

How much water must be added to 500mL of .200M HCl to produce a .150M solution?
*Here, you'd solve for V2.

Extra Studying Tools:

(Helps with problems on how to solve dilutions, and gives practice problems!)


  1. I agree that this equation isn't very hard to remember, and same goes with the rest of the equations in this unit. The hardest part is knowing when to use what.

  2. This formula was very helpful for the dilution equations! I also use chem team for chem help!
