
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

RedOx Reactions

Blog Post #5
(December 09, 2015)

A while back, we lectured on equations that had to do with the transfer of electrons, or RedOx reactions.
In these types of reactions, electrons are transferred from metal to non-metal.
If a species loses electrons, it is said to be oxidized, or the reducing agent.
If it happens to gain electrons, then it is said to be reduced, or the oxidizing agent.

Different types of RedOx reactions:
Single Replacement: During this equation, one element replaces another element in a compound.

If you need extra help in Single Replacement:
ChemTeam-Single Replacement

 In this reaction, two or more chemical elements combine to form a compound.
Extra Help: ChemTeam-Synthesis

Decomposition: One or more compounds split apart to form elements, or possibly just simpler compounds.
Extra Help:ChemTeam-Decomposition

Combustion: The reaction of oxygen gas (O2) with anything to form products Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O).
Extra Help: ChemTeam-Combustion

1 comment:

  1. This is a awesome post! It covers everything in the unit in a nice and condensed package!
