
Monday, October 26, 2015

What's the MATTER with you?

Blog Post #1
(October 21, 2015)

Today we started our new unit, math and measurement. I knew right away that this was going to be one of my weaker units because of that dreadful 'M' word--Math. I was never the best at math. 
Aside from that, our lecture today was on matter, mostly a review from freshman year. 
There are different states of matter, but the three main ones are:

There are also different types of properties:
Chemical - observed when changing into another substance
Physical - observed WITHOUT changing into another substance

Other key terms to know:
Homogeneous Mixture: A mixture which has uniform composition and properties throughout.
Ex; a teaspoonful of table salt stirred into a glass of water.
Heterogeneous Mixture: Any mixture that is not uniform in composition. Using various techniques, the parts in the mixture CAN be separated.
Example; a bowl of fruit loops cereal (cereal itself, milk)
Filtration: A technique used either to remove solid impurities from an organic solution or to isolate an organic solid.
Distillation: The separation of a liquid mixture into its components on the basis of differences in boiling points.
Chromatography: A process in which a chemical mixture carried by a liquid or gas is separated into components as a result of differential distribution of the solutes as they flow around or over a stationary liquid or solid phase.

(Crash Course on Solids)

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