
Monday, September 14, 2015

Unit One: Nomenclature

Type I, Type II, Type III, Oh my!
11 Sept 2015
Our unit test in chemistry was a binary success. I did really well on it, except for one section but other people got the same grade as me, so I feel a bit better. I feel that getting the first unit out of the way is going to make my year a lot easier. The first unit is always the toughest unit I believe, and then for me it gets easier. 
Naming binary compounds is so much fun! (Note my internet sarcasm.) Trying to memorize how many types there are and also acids and poly-atomic ions all at once makes your head hurt. You can easily get them all mixed up and eventually confuse yourself. Luckily, I didn't have that problem. Anyway, nice start to the year...I think?

1,2,3 More Hours...7,8,9 More Hours Later
11 Sept 2015
Our Frontier Chemistry Project has caused me a lack of sleep, many numerous bug bites in the middle of the night (courtesy of not having enough pictures before), and the constant nagging of my parents saying "You're still up?" YES PARENTS IM STILL UP THANK YOU FOR ASKING EVERY 5 MINUTES. This project was fairly easy just very, very, very (12 very's later) time consuming. Hopefully our projects aren't that time consuming later on. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm sorry that you got so many bug bites! I completely agree on the project being easy, but time consuming, I had to stay up untill 3:30 a.m.! :(
