
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Calculating Mass and Weighing Beans (Well Maybe...)

Blog Post #2
(Sept 22, 2015)

Today we had our first lab, and we also had our first pre-lab question. I also had one of my many 'Gosh Kaylie, why in the world did you do this' moments-which I'm not too fond of. 
Although I did get the pre-lab question wrong, it was enjoyable working with a group of 6 and getting more stuff done, then you would with only one other person. 
This lab had to deal with all things and everything related to atomic mass, which in reality isn't too hard at all.
Oh and weighing, I mean, WHO LOVES COUNTING BEANS?! Not a lot of people do according to other students that I have talked to, who actually did the lab.
Hopefully, future labs to come end in a better result. 


  1. I found this post amusing however... I would be more interested in the education and knowledge that I could gain from reading this post then entertainment. I would suggest trying to make your posts more professional and educational.

  2. Kaylie, I also did not pass the prelab quiz, but still benefited from this lab. I agree with you that it was fun working together as a group of six or so and helping each other out. We worked together to find the answers to the atomic mass, abundance, andd many other things. I feel as if working together helped all of us to understand the concepts better. It was very beneficial working with you, and don't worry I also have many "why did I do that" moments!

  3. Kaylie, I also did not pass the prelab quiz, but still benefited from this lab. I agree with you that it was fun working together as a group of six or so and helping each other out. We worked together to find the answers to the atomic mass, abundance, andd many other things. I feel as if working together helped all of us to understand the concepts better. It was very beneficial working with you, and don't worry I also have many "why did I do that" moments!
